*Easy to complete.

*No hidden fees, or tricky "pay for certificate only" complications.

*Stress free, taken in the privacy of your own home.

*24/7 accessible, you set the pace.

*Widely accepted by courts that accept online long distance learning.

*Free certificate of completion, and free letter of enrollment.

Authored by

Licensed Therapist

Certified Anger Management Specialist

Certified Domestic Violence Specialist

Keep yourself safe from imprisonment. Learn anger management methods online.

Affordable way to meet

 court requirements.

Protect Your Freedom!

Thousands handle anger better after these online court ordered classes.

This program has helped thousands express anger in a healthy way and become happier since 2000

Join the 1000's that have experienced success with this court ordered anger class.
Our online court ordered domestic violence/batterer's class, co-parenting, and anger management class are nationally recognized and satisfies court, legal, and employment requirements.
Author's experience and credentials increase credibility with the courts.
Court ordered online classes are designed for Court, Employer, or Self Improvement.

 "At-home" Domestic Violence/Batterer's, Co-Parenting, and Anger Management Courses
are low-stress, convenient, private, affordable, with a self-paced environment.

Quiz can be redone until you get it right. Then you can continue to the next lesson.

*No Hidden Fees
*Free Proof of Enrollment
*Easy to complete
*Free Certificate of Completion
*Unmatched quality, relevancy, and ease
*Class Is Available to You 24/7 & 7 Days a Week

*Fast Client Service, a real person communicating with you.
Court ordered online anger class, domestic violence, batterer's, co-parenting,
all in the privacy of your own home.

Yvonne Sinclair M.A., LMFT, CAMS -1, CDVS1 

Yvonne Sinclair holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology. Yvonne Sinclair is credentialed as a Certified Anger Management Specialist (CAMS-1). Certified Domestic Violence Specialist (CDVS-1). Licensed Marriage, Family, and Child Counselor in California. She is also a member of the National Anger Management Association. Yvonne Sinclair has authored educational materials which have reached hundreds of thousands of people.

Certificates verifying successful completion of programs she has written are widely accepted by U.S. Court Judicial Districts that allow long distance learning. Yvonne is a member of CAMFT and AAMFT, state and national counseling organizations. She has developed anger management programs and group studies for local counseling agencies. Yvonne has been teaching anger management and working with abuse in families since 1993. You can access her anger management class online here.

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